According to Anderson and Anderson (1997), Narrative
text is a piece of text which tells a story, and in doing so, entertains or
informs the reader or listener. A narrative comprises an orientation ( a
paragraph, picture or opening chapter in which the narrator tells the audience
about who is in the story, when the story is taking place, and where the action
is happening), a complication ( a chain of events that influence what will
happen in the story), a sequence of events where the characters react to the
complication, a resolution in which the characters finally sort out the
complication, and coda (comment or moral based on what has been learned from
the story.
Assignment of Narrative Text
Question :
1. Find the generic structures from the text beside!
2. Mention the topic sentences in each paragraph!
3. Mention the characters which tell in story beside!
4. How is the resolution of the problem in the text?
5. Write down the summary of the text beside!